Kamigoroshi no Maou Saijyaku Shuzoku ni Tensei shi Shijyou Saikyou ni naru thumbnail

Kamigoroshi no Maou Saijyaku Shuzoku ni Tensei shi Shijyou Saikyou ni naruKamigoroshi no Maou, Saijaku Shuzoku ni Tensei shi Shijyou Saikyou ni naru; 神殺しの魔王、最弱種族に転生し史上最強になる; Le Roi Démon Pourfendeur de Dieux, Réincarné en la race la plus faible et la plus forte de l'histoire.; The God-Slaying Demon King: Reincarnated as a Mere Mortal to Become the Strongest in History!

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