Saijo no Osewa Takane no Hana-darakena Meimon-kou de, Gakuin Ichi no Ojou-sama (Seikatsu Nouryoku Kaimu) wo Kagenagara Osewa suru Koto ni Narimashita thumbnail

Saijo no Osewa Takane no Hana-darakena Meimon-kou de, Gakuin Ichi no Ojou-sama (Seikatsu Nouryoku Kaimu) wo Kagenagara Osewa suru Koto ni Narimashita才女のお世話 高嶺の花だらけな名門校で、学院一のお嬢様(生活能力皆無)を陰ながらお世話することになりました; I Was Assigned to Take Care of the Most Talented Young Lady (With No Life Skills) at a Prestigious School Full of High Achievers; Làm Bảo Mẫu Cho Tiểu Thư

AuthorSakaishi Yusaku
ArtistMizushima Sorahiko

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